Ryloth System

  1. Ryloth System Requirements
  2. Ryloth System Review

When playing through the space missions, you may notice that two of them do not seem have the gold brick to start the mission. Many people get confused about this so I thought a quick post might help everyone.

For these two space missions, you have to do something first that will trigger the appearance of the gold brick. For the Ryloth space mission, you need to aboard the Resolute and locate the room with the turrets in. To find this, go through the brig and use the lift at the end. Cross the large hanger from right to left and use another lift here. When you are in the turret room, jump into one and start shooting the floating debris you can see. When you have shot enough the space mission will unlock, meaning the gold brick will now be there when you want to start the mission.

Maridun is the same deal. This time, on the Invisible Hand, find the turret room. To get there, head to the left when you dock and go through the double doors into the bounty hunter room. In here there is another lift which will lead you to the turrets. When you arrive, jump in one and start shooting the broken red ship in front of you. When you destroy it, the mission will unlock.

Ryloth System
  • Ryloth is a planet from the Star Wars universe, and the home planet of the Twi'leks. The planet was occupied by the Separatists until it was liberated by Cham Syndulla who lead a brave resistance and Mace Windu and his loyal Clone Troopers. After the Clone Wars ended, the Galactic Empire occupied the planet with Cham again fighting to free Ryloth from their tyranny. After the fall of the.
  • Ryloth was the home planet of the Twi'leks, near the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. The planet orbits its star while being tidally locked — one side roasts in sunlight while the other languishes in darkness. Natives call this the Never-setting Sun. Geographic Features Because of the nature of Ryloth's orbit around its primary, one side of the planet always.
  • In late 20 BBY, the Separatists attempted a second invasion of the desert planet Ryloth. 1 Overview 1.1 First phase 1.2 Second phase 1.3 Third phase 2 Appearances A Lucrehulk-class battleship descended upon the Ryloth system and attempted to begin deploying a droid army in C-9979 landing crafts, however the landing was thwarted by surface ion cannons. The native Twi'leks immediately reached.

Ryloth Ryloth was a planet in the Outer Rim that was the Twi'lek homeworld and now under the occupation of the Empire. Ryloth, the second planet in the Ryloth system, possessed a thin, but breathable atmosphere. The planet was orbited by five moons, which had subtle tidal effects on the planet's liquid core and underground springs. It had little or no surface water except for patches of water ice on the night side.

Tales from the Krayt Fang an Edge of the Empire Campaign


Ryloth is the homeworld of the Twi’lek species. The planet is subject to unusual weather and rotational patterns, producing heat storms that warm the world. Most Twi’leks live underground.

Astronavigation Data: Ryloth system, Gaulus Sector, Outer Rim region
Orbital Metrics: 305 days per year / 30 hours per day
Government: feudalism
Population: 1.5 billion (Twi'leks 76%, other 24%)
Languages: Twi'lek, Lekku (nonverbal head-tail communication), Basic, Huttese
Major Terrain: caves, deserts, mountains, plains
Major Cities: Lessu (capital), Kala’uun, Roancu
Areas of Interest: ryll spice mines. Floating Rock Cardens
Major Exports: slaves, ryll spice
Major Imports: consumables, luxury goods, medicines, technology
Trade Routes: Corellian Run, Death Wind Corridor (for spice runs)
Special Conditions: none

Background: For millennia, the Twi'leks of Ryloth have managed to navigate the gray areas of galactic law and structure their economy around two commodities for which there is always a demand; slavery and spice. Experts at negotiation, Twi'leks clan lords skirt antislavery legislation by indenturing lower caste Twi’leks through 'free:wilj' contracts, slavery in all but name.. While such habits skirt galactic law. many otherwise law-abiding cultures are only too happy to turn a blind eye to this practice in order to obtain Twi’lek slaves.

Spice saved the Twi’leks from becoming a permanent underclass to other species. Thousands of years ago, vast deposits of ryll spice were discovered on Ryloth. Mined from blooms below the surface, ryll could be used as the active agent in both medicines and narcotics. Suddenly, Ryloth had another resource valuable to the galaxy. The clans exploited the spice themselves • rather than outsourcing the labor. As a result, Twi'lek slaves became a much rarer commodity, and fetched higher prices without depleting Ryloth’s population.


Visitors to the planet find it a world of harsh conditions. Much of the terrain is rocky and barren, blighted by Ryloth’s sun. Tremendous heat storms roll across the surface without warning, allowing only the hardiest of creatures, like the armored lylek, to survive. The weather is more temperate around the equator, where most Twi'lek settlements are located, including the capital city of Lessu. Those Twi’leks who choose to live elsewhere find shelter either below-the surface or shielded behind mountain rock, in cavernous cities like Kala’uun-and Roancu.

Ryloth System Requirements

As Ryloth’s economy is primarily based on exports there is little indigenous industry, and almost all technology is imported. However, the Twi’leks are not technophobes; they prefer to maintain their position in the galactic community through bargaining and trade.

As anti-alien prejudice grows in the galaxy, the Twi’leks, given their similarities to humans, manage to dilute its impact on Ryloth by ingratiating themselves with Imperial officials. One executive of Sienar Fleet Systems found himself visiting Ryloth so frequently he built corporate offices in Kala’uun’s caves.

Notable campaign interactions

Ryloth System Review

  • Freed the mining town New Meen by removing the annoyance of Drombb Enterprises