Pick Up Women

1. Happy Hour

  • 3 steps for how to pick up women fast. Learn the best way to approach a girl. VINCERO WATCHES (coupon='BEAST'): FREE CO.
  • You look so young; I'm surprised you don't have any wrinkles. – Generally it isn't a good idea comment to mention age at all, especially if you're trying to pick up a cougar.

Type “pick-up lines for women” into Google and you’ll get a slew of cheesy results. Pick-up lines call to mind a sunglasses-wearing douche saying with a grin: “Hey. Beautiful women usually take care of their bodies and work out regularly. So, the gym is the place where all the girls attend. Also, we have a nice article how to pick up a girl in gym. Health food stores. It’s trendy to keep fit and eat healthily. We bet you buy groceries at least once per week. My approach to conversation when picking up women in bars is to be confident, relaxed, easy-going, flirtatious and charming. Flirting is an essential part of creating a sexual vibe between yourself and a woman and it’s something that you should actively do.

Happy Hour can be a great place to meet women. More importantly, it’s a more appropriate setting and time of day to meet a woman at a bar whom you may want to ask out on a date. Happy Hours in every city are crawling with lots of young women. Bros, this is an excellent opportunity to meet many women at once, without coming across as creepy. If you are also at Happy Hour with a group of your bros, and you spot a group of ladies near you with a similar amount of people, grab your/ their server, and buy them a round of whatever they’ve been ordering. It’s classy and it’s opening the conversation in a non-creepy way. If they’re interested, then they will probably come by and say thank you or maybe buy your round of shots if they’re cool chicks.

2. Intramural Teams

Joining an intramural sport is a great and easy way to meet new people, especially ladies. There are even leagues that are specific to “singles.” However, if you aren’t sure you want to take the dive into the singles pool, then join a team with a couple of your bros. If you sign up as an “indie” team, then other people who you don’t know can join your team, aka other women. Intramural sports such as kickball, dodgeball, volleyball, and softball are a great and easy way to bond with females. If you’re flirting with a girl and she’s looking “gross” in her work-out gear, she’ll probably think you’re more genuine. Also, in my experience with intramural sports, people mostly sign up for them to meet new people and go to the bar who sponsors your team after the game. Ladies are probably also signing up for these teams to meet dudes, so it’s a win win. Everyone’s down to party and maybe even have some sexy time after you win.

3. Grocery Store

This is probably one of the harder places to attempt to pick up a lady without being creepy. If you want to try this, definitely try to stay away from weird play-on-words with melons, apples, bananas, or basically anything that can be used to describe male or female genitalia. Don’t ask her if she has big melons, or likes her bananas firm. Keep those jokes to yourself, bros. She will not be impressed, even if it’s the best pun you’ve made in a while. Any grocery store that has organic or healthy foods will be full of young women, such as Whole Foods and Trader Joes. The best time or place to pick up a gal in one of these stores is while you’re waiting either in line to check-out or if you’re both waiting for your freshly cut salmon or steak. An easy way to start a conversation is to bring up a recipe for the fresh salmon or burger meat you just picked up. Ask her how she likes hers cooked, or if she likes cooking. It’s not creepy and it shows that you like cooking (which is a major turn-on for women). If you two continue chatting past the line you’re in, then ask for her number, or better yet, ask if you can cook for her some time. Maybe see who can cook a better burger? Everyone enjoys a little competition!

4. Concert

Concerts, shows, music festivals, whatever you want to call them, are all amazing places to meet women. If you’re both there, you obviously both have an interest for the same band, singer, or type of music genre, which already gives you an easy and non-creepy conversation starter. A good time to chat her up is when you’re both in line for a beer or before the show starts. Don’t try to chat her up while the group is performing. If you’re at a show where you’ll be dancing, maybe try to dance around with her and her friends. Don’t, I repeat, DO NOT try to grind with her. Girls love it when guys joke around with them on the dance floor. Ask her if she’s seen the group before, or what her favorite song is, etc. It’s easy, it’s not creepy, don’t screw it up.

Pick up women

5. Dog Park

If you have a dog, this is an excellent place to meet women. If you do not have a dog, don’t be a weirdo and just watch women place with their dogs. They won’t be impressed. In a perfect world, your dogs will start playing with each other. Maybe your dog will start humping her dog, and you’ll both have a laugh about it. You can even arrange for your dogs to have a playdate. Again, that is in a perfect world. In reality, your dogs will probably sniff each other’s butts while you two chat. If you hit it off, ask her out.



6. Athletic Event

While athletic events are a great place to meet women, you have to pick and choose which sport and how important the game is. An ideal time to talk to ladies during an athletic event is during a baseball game, especially if you can sit in bleacher seats (such as Cubs or Giants games). Bleacher seats are very social, aka everyone just gets drunk and heckles the outfielders. If you can meet a girl in the bleachers who is drinking and heckling, you may have found a winner. Chat her up about the team, and maybe start heckling together. In this scenario, you may end up hitting a homerun later. Catch my drift?

7. Trivia Night

A popular weekly activity in most large cities is trivia at your favorite neighborhood bar. Trivia Nights are a great way to meet ladies in a bar setting (as well as Happy Hour) without being creepy. Trivia is fun and always entertaining. If you go with a couple dudes and need more people on your team, try to recruit some girls at the bar to join in, or ask to combine teams. If you don’t want to go that route, then strategically sit your team of bros next to a team of ladies (or a team of mostly ladies). Create a little rivalry/ competition between your teams. Maybe talk some shit to them (be funny, not rude), or tell them whoever loses buys a round at the end. If the girls are interested, then they will totally partake in post-trivia shenanigans.

8. Coffee Shop


Coffee shops are a great place to pick-up women if you’re more not really into the bar scene or if you work from home. During the week, you still see tons of people working on their laptops at coffee shops. If you are a student, work from home, or a writer you’re probably camped out at coffee shops most of the time. If you spot a cute girl, sit next to her. Maybe ask her what the Wifi password is, or offer to refill her coffee. If she doesn’t look like a stress-case, strike up a conversation with her. Ask her if she’s doing work, studying, reading, blogging, etc.

9. Gym

The gym is another difficult place to meet women. Ladies generally do not want to be hit on while they’re working out. They’re in the zone, and do not feel sexy when they’re sweaty and “gross.” However, there are ways to strike up a conversation with a cute girl at the gym without coming across as a creepy meat-head. Dudes, if you want to meet lots of girls, join a class at the gym. The ladies love classes at the gym. It doesn’t have to be yoga or pilates, which are stereotypically female dominated. If you’ve been going to class for a couple weeks and spot a cutie, then chat her up before or after the class. Maybe make a comment how that class totally kicked your ass, and you can’t believe she actually goes every week. It’ll boost her confidence which will put her guard down a bit.

Pick Up Women Over 50

10. Public Transportation

Public transportation is one of the hardest places to strike up a conversation with a girl, which is ironic because you could be sitting next to her for thirty minutes or basically be nose-to-nose on the bus or train during rush hour. There are different opportunities to chat up a girl while commuting or en route to your friend’s place. For example. if you have the same commute to work every day with a hottie, then strike up a conversation while you wait for the train/ bus/ etc. I guarantee you she’s probably just listening to Rihanna and checking Facebook and Instagram, and probably hoping you’ll start chatting her up. Another good opportunity would be on a long train or bus ride when you really do not have much to do besides read, listen to music, or call your mom. You can strike up a friendly conversation as a way to pass the time, and if she seems interested, you can make your move and ask if she’d like to hang out. However, since you are in such close quarters and there’s no easy exit route, definitely be aware of your creep levels. If she seems disinterested, back off. You don’t want to make her feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

Pick Up Women

Where To Meet A Woman? Top 10 Places To Pick Up A Girl In 2020

Bros, what it comes down to when meeting a lady and asking her out is to be friendly, polite, and confident. Confidence will boost your sex appeal tenfold, which will make her more likely to accept your date. The world is your dating oyster, so live it up and take advantage of every opportunity, and please, for the love of God, try not to be a creep.

Becca is the founder of Not Your Average Bro. She is also a dating “expert” for hopeless Millennials and offers dating and relationship advice on her site in a “Dear Becca” column. Need advice? E-mail her at notyouraverageladybro@gmail.com.

Pick Up Women Whole Foods