Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

  1. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Partner
  2. Voting Record Congress

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. However, I was scrolling through Twitter this morning, and nearly fell over when I saw a tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that I could thoroughly support. I think the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have sent her over the edge because she put out the exact opposite of the Democrat line on this election:

Archived pages of Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter profile show the viral tweet was not visible on her profile as of 6:28 a.m. 10, less than four hours after the tweet was allegedly shared. Ocasio-Cortez, the only Democratic vote against the relief legislation, said in a debate last week that she opposed it because its help for large corporations was a gift “for Donald Trump.

Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

About Votes and the Legislative process. A good basic resource about congressional voting and the legislative process is How Our Laws Are Made.It is a brief explanation of the legislative process in the House written by the House Parliamentarian. H.R.7711 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Badge Transparency Act of 2020 Sponsor: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria D-NY-14 (Introduced ) Cosponsors: Committees: House - Judiciary Latest Action: House - Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

I am voting early and in person.

What’s your voting plan?

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 20, 2020

As we all know, Democrats have been pushing the need for mail-in voting. To execute their election strategy, which ideally includes ballot harvesting, they depend on people mailing in their vote or handing it to an activist on their porch. Additionally, they have already filed lawsuits to extend the acceptance period for mail-in ballots. This move is despite all of the serious problems with the process we have seen historically and recently.

An election in Paterson, New Jersey, was just overturned because of mail-in voter fraud. In Queens, near AOC’s district, one in five voters was disenfranchised in a Democrat primary election. Yet lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have seen initial court rulings that election deadlines for the receipt and postmark of mail-in votes should be extended. Novel swing state strategy for sure.

The 20 Best Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Memes

It is expected that all these decisions will be appealed. The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop New Jersey from conducting a full mail-in process, alleging it violates federal election law. The five states that have entirely transitioned to mail-in voting are one thing. States attempting to do it for the first time this cycle have already seen severe problems and have already demonstrated the risk of disenfranchising voters.

However, it seems the Democrats’ freak-out over postal service funding may have backfired. Record numbers of voters showed up in person at the polls when early voting started in Fairfax, Virginia. According to reporters on the ground, people were skeptical of the post office handling their ballots correctly. Hopefully, this is a trend.

Massive line of voters in Fairfax, Virginia, on the FIRST DAY of in-person early voting. Some voters say they showed up because they lost faith in USPS to deliver ballots. Officials tell CNN they've never seen anything like this on Day One. pic.twitter.com/uFDSfMINWX

— Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen) September 18, 2020

There is nothing more important in November than having the majority of Americans confident in the outcome of the election. In contrast, Democrats and their allies have clearly signaled that they expect the results on election night to change over time. This prediction is a terrible one in a deeply divided electorate. We saw this in California in 2018 when several Republican wins on election night were overturned as ballots were harvested and counted under a new law. The validity of those Democrat wins is still questioned in local districts.

To have that happen at the national level in 2020 would be catastrophic. With a SCOTUS seat that may still be open beyond Election Day, it is even more critical for the country to have confidence in the vote. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez putting the “vote in person” message out to her 8.6 million followers is a great start. Republicans were already far more likely to indicate they would vote in person. Hopefully, AOC can motivate voters on the other side to do the same.

Queens, N.Y., Primary Gives Us a Preview of the Mayhem Mail-in Voting Could Create in November

The good news is the health experts, including Drs. Fauci and Birx, agree that voting in person can be done safely. And every American who has gone to Walmart or Starbucks since the pandemic began knows this is the case. We can all stand in a line safely and patiently. It is of the utmost importance we do this through the early voting period and right through Election Day.

Talk to your friends and family. Make sure they know that voters appear to be disenfranchised at a rate of about one in five through mail-in voting. This fact was confirmed in an analysis from 2012-2018 and was also the rate in the Queens, N.Y., primary. In Queens, some voters never received a ballot, and others were thrown out for lack of a postmark or other technical reasons.

Democrats have already warned of “violence in the streets” through the Transition Integrity Project. Their allies in the media and leading social media have already started to prepare Americans for a drawn-out process. With the death of Justice Ginsburg, calls for violence are increasing in anticipation of a nomination. Post-election chaos would compound this to levels that would shock most Americans.

The best way to prevent this is to have the vast majority of voters showing up in person to the polls. If the septuagenarian Democrat nominee Joe Biden can do it for the Delaware primary, so can 90% of America. Join with AOC and me. Prevent post-election chaos and vote in person.

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Joe Biden Votes In Person, Wrecks the Democrats’ ‘We Need Mail-In Voting’ Narrative

Democrats divided? Nancy Pelosi takes shots at socialism, party's progressives

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticizes outspoken freshmen Democrats' embrace of socialism; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'

Nearly 70 Democrats have been voting in tandem with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s scoffing that the far-left Democratic wing was only “like five people.”

Pelosi downplayed the influence of the new-wave progressives, particularly Ocasio-Cortez, who pushed the party leftwards, during an interview with CBS News' Lesley Stahl on “60 Minutes,” saying that despite the noise, the party is still largely centrist and rejects socialism “as an economic system.”

“You have these wings, AOC and her group on one side,” Stahl told Pelosi, to which the 79-year-old replied: “That's like five people.”

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Partner

But according to Fox News’ review of voting records using ProPublica data tools, 68 lawmakers voted with Ocasio-Cortez at least 95 percent of the times since January, representing over a fourth of all seats held by Democrats.


The lawmakers voting in tandem with the New York Democrat aren’t just freshman lawmakers, but include a number of other high-profile Democrats.

Voting Record Congress

Presidential candidates Eric Swalwell and Tulsi Gabbard both voted with Ocasio-Cortez 95 percent of the times. Rep. Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chair, also voted with her 95 percent percent of the time.

Pelosi’s claim that the progressive caucus represents about “five people” appears to be correct only when counting lawmakers who voted 97 percent of the time with the New York Democrat. Those include Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Donald Payne, D-N.J.

During the CBS interview, Pelosi’s remarks were met with pushback, pointing out that the progressive group has more than five people, to which she responded saying she’s a progressive as well.

She added that congressional Democrats “by and large ... know that we have to hold the center, that we have to go down the mainstream,” and said she “reject[s] socialism as an economic system.”

“If people have that view, that's their view,' she said. 'That is not the view of the Democratic Party.”

Pelosi continued taking a swipe at far-left Democrats during her trip to Ireland and the United Kingdom, telling an audience on Monday that both she and Ocasio-Cortez won in districts where “glass of water' with a 'D' next to it could win.

“When we won this election, it wasn’t in districts like mine or Alexandria’s,” Pelosi said. “[S]he’s a wonderful member of Congress as I think all of our colleagues will attest. But those are districts that are solidly Democratic.”

To drive the point home she picked up a water glass next to her and said: “This glass of water would win with a ‘D’ next to its name in those districts.”

Fox News’ Nicole Darrah and Bradford Betz contributed to this report.